Wheeled Glass Nippers

Wheeled glass nippers quickly cut glass pieces in various shapes for use in fused glass, mosaic and stained glass designs. With wheeled glass nippers glass rods can be nipped to length, glass cut into pieces for mosaics, fusing glass cut into various shapes, glass strips can be quickly cut into pieces.

Varying shapes can be cut from glass edges for use in fusing work, as well as shapes for stainless glass projects, small porcelain tiles can also be cut. Nippers are great for repetitive cutting jobs; many pieces can be cut in a very short time, great for making tiles for mosaic designs.

Using the nippers is very simple, place the glass between the wheels, squeeze the handles and the glass will be cut.

Point the glass toward your work surface as the cut piece may fly away.

Where possible cup your hand around the wheels and glass to catch the cut pieces.

Placing the nippers and glass inside a plastic bag whilst cutting will avoid pieces flying away. There is a mosaic nipper on the market that has a small bag attached to catch the cut pieces.

Always wear safety goggles whilst using glass nippers.

If you are cutting along the edge and removing small pieces of glass the wheels will tend to cut scalloped pieces with needle sharp ends. If you have safety gloves it is a good idea to wear one on the hand catching the glass.

Handle the glass with tweezers when placing into position.

If you intend to use these pieces in a glass fusing design it is good idea to wash and dry the glass before cutting as you won't be able to wash the small pieces.

This cast glass pendant tutorial shows a pendant where a glass nipper was used to cut all the clear end colored glass which was then fired in a glass fusing kiln.

Normally cuts are made with the wheels in a vertical position, experiment with the wheels at an angle whilst cutting, this will produce varying shapes.

Periodically check the wheels, as the holding screws may need re-tightening.

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