Fixing Glass Fusing

Ideas for fixing fusing problems and issues that may occur during the hot work process.

Fusing problems can happen; even with the best preparation, things can go wrong with the fusing process.

There may be a time when on opening the kiln a large bubble is present in the middle of the fused glass.

There are usually reasons why things go wrong, with experience you will get to know how to recognize and avoid these problems.

Sometimes you will find that the glass looks hazy, has developed bubbles, the edges aren't rounded or cracks have appeared.

Spikes may have developed around the edges of cast frit items.

When making fused glass jewelry some of these problems can occur.

Some may only happen when you are working with larger pieces.

On larger pieces, the problems may cover large surface areas.

Here's a list of potential problems and issues you may encounter and possible solutions.

Bubbles forming in a fused glass piece.

Capping dichroic glass with a clear cap.

Devitrification scummy, rough, or hazy finish on the glass.

Glass cracks happening during and after the glass fusing process.

Removing kiln wash that has stuck to a kiln fired piece.

Fixing fused glass edges that haven't rounded properly.

A number of issues may arise due to the brand and nature of the glass being used and can only be rectified by changing the product.

Some problems may be caused by incorrect fusing schedules that may need to be altered to fix the matter.

It is very important to keep a log of the schedules that are used.

A faulty kiln or kiln control can cause issues to arise that require further investigation.

A new glass kiln may cause some different results until you become familiar with its heating and cooling patterns and whether there are hot spots in the kiln.

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