Fused Glass Links

This glass links pendant is made from System 96 frit, fused in a Colour de Verre oval mold. Fine frit or frit powder are the recommended materials for this mold.

Fill weights for the mold can be found on the Color de Verre sitealong with priming and firing instructions. Circle, hearts and diamond glasslink molds as well as many other styles are available from Colour de Verre for use in fusing projects.

These rings can be joined with jump rings or other fasteners; they can also be used as design elements in different glass fusing projects Different colored rings can be molded and joined together to make a mujlti colored pendant.


The oval rings are first fused in the mold following Color de Verre instructions and then fired again in a kiln to make this jewelry item.

The rings are laid out as per the photo on a kiln washed or thin fire paper prepared kiln shelf and then placed in the kiln.

Bring the fusing kiln temperature up to about 1400 F (760 C ) or slightly lower, do not allow it to overheat as the items can lose shape very quickly.

Once satisfied with the result, switch off and cool down to room temperature.

A large jujmp ring can be attached to the links, small pinch bails are ideal for this project.

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