Use Resin Finishing Techniques
For A Polished Finish

Master resin finishing methods to transform resin jewelry pieces.

Cured resin can be drilled, filed, cut, sanded, and polished. Always wear a disposable facemask when drilling or sanding resin to protect against fine resin dust particles, which may harm your lungs.


It is better to drill your resin fashion jewelry item before sanding or polishing in case the drill bit skips across the surface, or chips occur around the drill hole.

For accuracy use a drill press. If you don't have a press use a small vice or clamp to hold you item. Use a piece of leather or foam rubber to protect your item from the vice or clamp jaws.

All drilling should be at a low speed to avoid the resin overheating and melting.

A small pilot hole should be drilled first, followed by progressively larger holes.

It is helpful to apply some beeswax or a type of synthetic lubricant to the drill bit to keep it cool.

As you drill lift the drill bit up to remove the debris from the hole.


Resin finishing techniques are very similar to the methods used for acrylics. You use the same types of files and sandpapers.

For the first finishing steps where you may need to remove ridges etc, files with deep groves work well as they tend not to become as easily clogged as the finer files. Coarse grit sandpaper (100 or 180 grit) will work just as well.

Any air bubbles you find can be filled with resin and left to cure.

To keep dust to a minimum when sanding use wet/dry sandpapers.

Fill a non-food container with water and sand your jewelry item under water. This will prevent the sanded material from become lodged back on to the item and creating white spots in the resin which are hard to remove.

Change the water as the residue builds up.

You should work your way through 320, 400, 600, and 800 grit papers. If you wish to continue sanding to achieve a smoother finish then use 1000,1200, and 1500 grit papers. If the finer papers are not available at your hardware store then auto supply stores should have them.

Use carnauba automotive wax to bring up the final shine. A small amount will fill up fine scratches and buff up nicely.

You can also use a variable speed polishing machine fitted with cloth buffing wheels. Care must be taken not to apply too much pressure, or speed, to prevent the resin overheating and melting small particles back into the resin or having cloudy white markings across the resin.

If you wish you can texture the surface of resin jewelry items with files or by using an engraving tool.

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