Bronze Spaceship

by Gordon K. Uyehara
(Honolulu, HI)

Bronze Clay Spaceship

Bronze Clay Spaceship

This spaceship was going to have a 3-dimensional hull but it collapsed during firing. The top portion kept its shape and the piece still looks fairly decent. It was made with FASTfire BRONZclay and a little bit of ACS Copper clay for decoration.

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May 25, 2011
Little Spaceship
by: Mary

Love this little space ship. It is so nicely detailed.

I normally work with silver metal clay but I have been thinking of trying bronze and copper clay.

I am very impressed with the work yourself and other artists are turning out with these clays.

Color and details are a nice change from silver metal clay and seem to be well worth the effort.

Keep up the great work.

Apr 18, 2011
Beam Me Up!
by: Vicki

This is a fantastic piece of work. To date I have only worked in PMC but after seeing this and some of the other bronze and copper designs that are out there I am about to take the plunge into bronze and copper.

Congratulations Gordon, terrific piece. Thanks for sharing.

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